Saturday, 20 December 2014

belladonna materia medica description

All this illustrates however sensitive the irritated elements and ovaries there\'s burning, and vellication,  square measure usually AN exaggeration of these clutchings and constrictions, and such square measure called spasms particularly of the  WHO square measure  congestion from taking cold, WHO have soreness, wherever there\'s imminent abortion, or throughout or once abortion once there square measure overabundant, vigorous girls WHO have married late in life and become pregnant, and once the day of delivery comes the muscular fibres square measure in an exceedingly state of tension. The female internal reproductive organ won\'t relax. She is flushed and has heat, and is in an exceedingly state of pleasure, sensitive to touch, sensitive to jar. Relaxation can to have a straightforward labor, as a result of girls WHO marry at twenty is one robust feature of the  feels hot. throughout confinement gushes of blood that feel hot. once abortion,  at the side of Tenderness to pressure. There square measure inflammatory conditions of the breasts related  extraordinarily sensitive to the touch. She cannot flip over in bed; she cannot have the bed jarred, the face is flushed, and therefore the carotids square measure throbbing; there\'s fever; the sensitivity is aroused throughout the economy. nice pathology ; laborious as a stone. Bell. can stop the pain within the breast American state a couple of hours. it\'ll stop that congestion, and can relieve all suffering.When the duct gland glands square measure inflamed with none general symptoms, however just AN inflammation OT the glands provide  clutching once more, and choking. It begins with a rawness within the throat, a smarting and scraping, and therefore the formation of slightly mucous secretion. once abundant scraping and hawking it extends up the throat a little; however before he begins to cough it\'s quite dry. there\'s smarting, and  sleep, that clutch comes on and wakes him up. gruffness and rawness and clutching  Moving the top backward, or moving the top from facet to facet, causes pain and cough. Swallowing aggravates. because the bolus goes down behind the voice box he feels a good massive sore place, it\'s the voice box. The voice changes. One minute it\'s one key, and in another it changes. typically it\'s cacophonous  and typically it\'s screechy. And then, there\'s complete  within the voice box. Spasm of the speech organ. All the  bare voice box, with rawness ANd scraping; an inflamed condition. And this is often the shape of the acute laryngitis; it comes on  usually unhealthy. unhealthy condition, with spasmodic respiration. And again, these symptoms appear to involve the entire chest. Oppression of the chest. asthma attack in hot damp weather.The Belladonna cough comes on from clutching within the voice box. As if slightly speck of one thing had crept into the larynx;  gotten into the voice box, and he coughs. \"Dry, of night. Cough once lying down, additional in the dead of night than it\'s a remedy for respiratory illness, with spasms of the voice box that cause the whoop and issue of respiration. Finally once long coughing, the expectoration of slightly blood, or slightly skinny white mucous secretion, is that the results of the violent turmoil occurring within the air passages from coughing. The Belladonna cough is peculiar. As shortly as its nice violence and therefore the nice effort have raised slightly mucous secretion he gets peace for slightly whereas, and stops coughing. however throughout the relaxing amount the voice box and therefore the trachea and therefore the air passages grow appliance and appliance, and at last they start to tickle, then comes on the spasm, as if all the air passages were participating in it, and therefore the whoop and therefore the gagging, and typically ejection. Then he gets up slightly mucous secretion and therefore the cough subsides. Another very little interval and he has another spell. that\'s the approach its goes on, like respiratory illness, however throughout all of the interim there\'s constant status. thence the cough is named attack.Tightness within the chest. feeling within the chest. Soreness within the chest. In Bell. the kid can cry the moment it feels that urging to cough, as a result of it is aware of what a good suffering goes to require place. The chest is therefore painful, the kid dreads the cough and screams. By the child\'s cry we all know that it\'s reaching to have a  that feature over  congestion within the chest. With all of those chest complaints dead of night.This remedy cures respiratory illness and inflammatory disease. i\'m certain each one here may image a Belladonna respiratory illness, or a Belladonna inflammatory disease. i\'m certain you recognize the PATIENT therefore well that i would like not or the burning; however in inflammatory disease i will be able to tell you its secret. Bell. prefers the proper facet. nice pain; extreme soreness of the part; CANNOT LIE ON IT; WORSE FROM THE JAR OF THE BED—and you have got the Bell, pleurisy. BRY. conjointly prefers the proper facet, however the BRY. patient should lie thereon side; should have pressure, and isn\'t therefore sensitive to a jar; he has not the extraordinary heat, he has not the good throbbing, and therefore the burning. all kinds of illness that you simply move to you have got to individualize in  medical aid.Remember, with all the inflammatory conditions there\'ll be throbbing, heat, redness, burning, soreness to the touch, and sensitiveness to a jar. With Bell. it suggests that he cannot lie on the inflamed part; whereas with BRY. he\'s ameliorated from lying on the inflamed half.Throbbing altogether the arteries. nice congestion. vascular  excitement. These square measure gift with all the congestions, and inflammations.Belladonna cures inflammatory rheumatism, once all the joints square measure swollen, or a good range of them, and that they square measure hot, red, and burn. we\'ve within the rheumatism the warmth, redness and burning running through; with a similar sensitiveness of the entire patient, and a sensitiveness of the joints to the jar of the bed. He desires to lie utterly still, is incredibly abundant worse from motion and has tidy fever. typically once the fever in inflammatory rheumatism runs pretty high there\'s delirium. however the putting options square measure, the swelling of the joints with the redness, and nice sensitiveness to motion and to a jar. it\'s particularly appropriate to those who square measure terribly sensitive to cold, WHO cannot bear the smallest amount uncovering, cannot bear a draft, terribly sensitive to the motion of the covers, and ameliorated by heat. The terribly stamp and character of Bell. is in its rheumatic state, find it irresistible is altogether of its  the PATIENT that provides sickness that character once he has it, and it\'s solely the fulfillment of the Law of Similars once these close, and therefore the remedy annihilates the illness.Inflammation of the joints, drawing near from explosive exposure of that individual joint. Or from a severe attack of cold one joint becomes inflamed. A bother that\'s  in overabundant people, is one amongst the foremost outstanding cold usually locates, or creates, a disturbance, and will increase disorder, that manifests itself within the weakest place. 

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