Friday, 19 December 2014

Homeopathic materia medica belladonna description

Belladonna may be a remedy that takes hold of the system with vigorous people and intellectual individuals. brilliant individuals have complaints drawing near suddenly, providing they\'re in an exceedingly substantial state of health, and square measure fairly overabundant and vascular . The complaints of Belladonna return on suddenly, run a daily course, and subside suddenly. The pains and suffering return on suddenly and with nice violence, and subside suddenly. Colds final speedily, run a pointy course, a course of  affects the entire system, the heart, lungs, brain and systema nervosum.Among the earliest conditions to look at is that the heat. it\'s inflammations of all the organs, particularly the brain, lungs, and liver. The intestines are concerned additionally because the different organs. These inflammations square measure perpetually attended by VIOLENT HEAT; the warmth are some things uncommon. it\'s additional marked in Belladonna than in nearly the  subject you\'ll suddenly withdraw it, the warmth is therefore intense. The memory of the warmth is carried within the hand and fingers for a few time. Pains, inflammations,  inflammatory in character square measure attended therewith quite heat. in spite of wherever the square measure times, though, once that sort of warmth is gift, and it\'s not Bell., which is once the fever is of the continued  kind. Bell. has no continued  fever in it. it\'s true the older books tell you regarding Bell, for this violent heat in typhoid fever and a few different continued  fevers, however if you examine Bell, from starting to finish you\'ll notice nothing continued  in its fever. Its fever is reduced. It ne\'er comes on in its complaints step by step like typhoid fever. it\'s not the gradual rise and therefore the gradual fall sort of a continued  fever. I solely mention that in order that you\'ll not be lost. Our lamented Hering, one amongst the ablest academics the  and therefore the heat square measure somewhat like Bell., however let American state tell you only what\'s going to happen. after you provide Bell, for the delirium in typhoid fever fever—for such a delirium as sounds like Bell. — you\'ll subdue the delirium, however different manifestations can rise in this fever. you\'ll not subdue the fever, however you\'ll subdue the patient. The patient are going to be sick longer, can enter a bigger state of prostration than if you had let that delirium alone. however STRAMONIUM fits utterly Hering\'s description of a case within which he says Bell, ought to lean. the thought of that heat should be fastened within the mind. HEAT, INTENSE HEAT, VIOLENT HEAT.There is another section of Bell, that runs at some stage in these inflammatory complaints and its fevers. The inflamed elements, and extremely ordinarily the skin, square measure terribly red, and, because the inflammation advances, grow dusky; because the fever advances the face becomes mottled; however the primary  shiny. AN inflamed half that may be seen are going to be red. In inflammation of glands the heal the glands are going to be bright red in spots. thence red spots within the neck over inflamed glands. Inflammation of the salivary gland glands, inflammation of the are going to be a spot as browse as fireplace over every. The throat is as red as scarlet. The mucous secretion   direction of the Bell. constitution. It travels step by step towards a zymotic state, like we tend to see in contagion, in low inflammatory conditions; initially intense congestion, however vaso-motor or purple and dappled.Another grand feature of Bell, is gift in its inflamed elements, and in its painful elements. Whenever Bell, brings out something sort of a determined action, it\'s BURNING; Intense burning. The burning within the throat with a Bell, raw throat is sort of a coal of fireplace. Inflammation of the tonsils, burning like fireplace. The skin burns, and it\'s burning hot to the feeling   in in bilious or reduced fever. In inflammation of AN organ, the skin burns, there\'s a burning fever, and therefore the half  throat burns. it\'s hot regionally, and it conjointly burns subjectively. In redness there\'s burning. In inflammation  with jaundice, and therefore the liver burns. Now, we\'ve 3 leading features; don\'t decision them \"key notes,\" for that\'s not what I mean; HEAT, REDNESS AND BURNING. we are going to see however they modify the entire feature of the illness, however they permeate and ramify, and the way they take which means.But, that\'s not all. we\'ve abundant SWELLING in Bell. The inflamed elements swell rapidly; square measure extraordinarily sensitive to the touch; square measure terribly painful, with the feeling as if they\'d burst, with pressive pains, stinging and burning. there\'s heat, redness and burning in these inflamed elements, additionally as swelling. Swelling, stinging, burning, throbbing. everywhere he THROBS. With all congestions and inflammations he throbs. The half itself throbs, and his carotids throb. once kids square measure sick in bed with congestion of the brain, they need AN intensely hot head. If the right age to speak regarding it, they\'re going to say \"it burns.\" then again we are going to notice\" the throbbing. The temporal arteries and therefore the carotids pulsate, with nice violence. A turmoil goes on. AN earthquake is happening. Everything is being agitated once the patient wants Bell. it\'s one amongst the foremost painful of remedies. it\'s therefore sensitive to pain. therefore sensitive that he suffers over standard individuals do from the pain. And, remember, THE PAINS return SUDDENLY, they continue to be longer or shorter, and that they GO SUDDENLY. they are doing this in neuralgia; they are doing this in inflammatory conditions; they are doing it in inflamed organs; they are doing it where they are available. Pains, tear, shoot, burn, and sting, and press, and smart, all quickly. All of those characteristics square measure bundled up into one bundle, in order that he suffers. All of his pains square measure worse from motion, worse from lightweight, worse from a jar, worse from cold. He desires to be bound up warmly, and is worse from any exposure or a draft. The headaches square measure like several of the opposite tearing and burning at each step he takes, and from each motion of the eyes, or turning the eyeballs, or rising stairs, moves he starts the guts to pulsate on his sore elements and he calls them \"hammering pains.\" where that pain is he cannot have it touched. If it\'s touched it\'ll throb. If uncovered it\'ll deteriorate. If somebody walks across the ground, the jar makes him worse. THE JAR OF THE BED, if he\'s in bed, may be a common aggravation of Bell. If he\'s therefore sick that he\'s in bed, THE JAR OF THE BED makes all of his complaints worse. You move to the side of a patient plagued by ah   is within the abdomen; if it\'s AN inflamed uterus; if it\'s in confinement, it\'s a similar. This aggravation from the jar is such a marked feature that it\'s not perpetually confined to  state of nervous  of hyperesthesia that she desires the windows closed to stay the air out; she doesn\'t need to be touched; she doesn\'t need the bed stirred, any very little jar aggravates; she is therefore sensitive to a jar, even once there\'s no sensitive half

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