Friday, 19 December 2014

Homeopathic materia medica belladonna 200

this is often aforesaid to be AN multiplied irritability of the nerve centres. This develops a state of multiplied ability to style, and to smell, and to feel; excitability of the sensorium. Sensitive to impressions. SENSITIVE TO lightweight, TO NOISE, TO TOUCH, TO JAR. The sensorium is of Bell. in distinction with medicines  The additional congestion congestion there\'s in narcotic the less excitability. And nonetheless they\'re terribly similar in several \"respects; terribly similar in aspect; within the look of the eyes and face; similar in congestion of the brain, the looks, while not taking within the intensity of the one or different, i\'d not be ready to distinguish between narcotic and Bell. They usually curative one another. however we tend to don\'t visit on pathology, however Upon symptoms, once careful  delivering bed, or moving the top and therefore the symptom. The patient lies in bed; cannot hold the top up. This multiplied sensitiveness particularly applies to the scalp. we tend to notice it significantly  usually the case that Bell. patients won\'t have the hair  sensitive is that the scalp. \"Hair feels as if force. doesn\'t need the  correspond to extreme irritation in terribly sensitive acid, once cannot bear the noise of vehicles going on the road, as a result of it creates such violent sufferings; like genus Coffea, wherever footsteps irritate all the complaints; he was therefore sensitive to pain that the noise of 1 getting into the door once he was on the third floor aggravated his sufferings intensely, tho\' nobody else may hear it. In medicament, even the sound of footsteps will increase the pain everywhere the body. Bell. has in its nature all this sensitiveness to pain. it\'s a section of the final sensorium; the entire bodily state is intense. The CHAMOMILLA patient is sensitive to pain, however we tend to don\'t got to pity the CHAMOMILLA patient, he can fight it out himself. however you\'ll pity the Bell. patient, you\'ll pity the magnoliid dicot genus patient, and therefore the acid patient.A strange a part of it is also the reactive excitability. The reaction to is therefore fast so explosive that I even have persistently detected a patient say, before I had turned my retreat  several medicines reaction is stalled, however in Bell. it\'s intense. therefore it\'s in medicament and in ZINCUM. once the case is incredibly acute, however typically conjointly once the case is somewhat chronic, this sensibility is marked. CUPRUM is therefore sensitive everywhere. it\'s sensitive warts; it\'s  and it\'s therefore sensitive in its reaction that, once it\'s required, part indicated remedies won\'t work, as a result of the patient is therefore sensitive to everything that everything overacts. the tiniest only everything aggravates. Odors aggravate; well elect remedies disturb rather than cure. CUPRUM tones down, relieves that sensitivity, and well-selected remedies can then act curatively and long. CUPRUM lacks it in this high state of congestion—it isn\'t like Bell. in that; CUPRUM doesn\'t have that sensibility at the side of the active fever  however it\'s it in an exceedingly  sensitive that they get no sympathy— and it\'s not appropriate for hysterical ones either, however those who aren\'t ready to management themselves utterly. Such is CUPRUM. we\'ve medicines that square measure appropriate to sensitive individuals, and particularly sensitive girls. Sensitive to odors, sensitive to each conceivable influence. The doctor WHO can depart and pay attention of those poor sick very their quality, and relieves them of  of the name of all the doctors that square measure  by his own sensorium; he is also a eutherian mammal, however he can notice patients that square measure sensitive.This sensitivity is gift in most of the Bell. headaches. There square measure stabbing pains, throbbing pains, sensitive to motion, to each jar, to light, even to the winking of the eyes;  top is rolling—the patient rolling the top as a result of the pain is therefore severe he cannot keep still, though the motion will increase the headache. a baby lies and turns and tosses its head with congestion of the brain, screaming out with the brain cry, a explosive shriek. once for a while it wakes up and commences to  brain cry; it\'s going  it\'s currently changing into pale. There square measure  brain troubles we tend to should take care regarding feeding abundant, or overloading the abdomen, as a result of the abdomen is incredibly feeble. it\'ll not digest abundant, however the food ought to be elect and lightweight.Great heaviness of the top. the top sounds like a weight, and is drawn back. typically we tend to see the top drawn back from contraction of the muscles of the neck once the membranes of the higher portion of the spine square measure concerned. Again, we tend to see the Bell. patient drawing the top back himself, as a result of drawing the top back usually ameliorates the violent headaches. This betterment is well-kept goodbye as he holds the top back. Aggravated from bending the top forward once sitting, from bending the top forward once standing, or hunched. It feels as if the brain would fall out or rush. This will increase the headache such a lot that it typically turns   and tearing;  a seat these sensations square measure all intense. Throbbing; pulsation, like hammers hit the within of the sore os, delineated  by patients as if the within of the os each pulsation. typically it\'ll quiet down whereas  a chair can set that hammer going. \"Expansive\" is AN expression that\'s usually employed by the patient, and it had been employed by the provers. Expansive sensation, as if the top was enlarged; pressure from inside out. of these headaches square measure mitigated by pressure upon the surface. explosive bit or pressure can aggravate; however pressure that\'s step by step multiplied and delivered to bear rigorously upon the top can ameliorate, just like the pressure of those headaches square measure brought on by exposure to the cold air; from standing within the cold air with th€ head uncovered. typically a severe headache can return on from just having the hair cut. Congestion of the top  complaints return on from having the hair cut, or from standing within the cool air with the hat off; therefore sensitive is that the  complaints of assorted elements of the body return through the top and go downwardly. Complaints within the  nice redness and swelling, return on from uncovering the top, from exposure of the top, or from obtaining the top wet, or from being caught in an exceedingly shower. there\'s one grievance which is able to puzzle you if you ever meet it and you are doing not recognize simply what i\'m reaching to tell you. The complaints of Bell. in an exceedingly general approach square measure ameliorated from rest, and aggravated from motion; however there\'s a sort of restlessness with tearing pain from the hips down, most hard to look at, that keeps the patient walking all of the time.

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